Guess who I saw today at the Esplanade when i was having my school maths trail.... I FREAKING SAW ELVIN EG!!!
YES E - L - V - I - N E - G
he is super handsome even though he was dressing in pajamas for his acting :P wanted to take picture with him but he was in a rush so didnt really dare to stop him... such a waste but my friend took a picture with him since she spotted him and he promised her to take a picture with her after he went for his short break :P *jealous*
I took picture of his side view from far but zoomed in using my phone <3 3="3" :=":" am="am" be="be" computer="computer" face="face" fangirling="fangirling" freaking="freaking" from="from" gonna="gonna" handsome="handsome" he="he" hehehehhee="hehehehhee" his="his" i="i" if="if" later="later" more="more" much="much" nbsp="nbsp" now="now" p="p" pictures="pictures" post="post" shaved="shaved" side="side" since="since" so="so" the="the" took="took" using="using" would="would">
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