Kara in CWP :) guess you all have been waiting for so long :P
the MC :) his a radio DJ but i dunno which station is he DJing
When Kara was about to enter CWP :) *camera up!*
From the 3rd level onwards
Finally Kara comes in :):)
Getting ready for Fansign~~
Fansign start~~~~~!
Wow lots of people at CWP to see kara
Leader laughing happily :P
Oh! spotted somone wearing doramon shirt XD cute!
fansign over TTwTT
Last few words before leaving ....
last few posing before really leaving
waving goodbye to all the fans
Thats all I've taken ... hope you enjoy :)
PLS: DO NOT use my photo anyway else without asking ! If want to use please credit ^^