But it's so sad ... I'm leaving Perth today ㅠㅠ gonna miss almost everything here...
Besides all the junck food ... But exclude KFC cus it's really very nice ! :P
So we had our bags packed and went to Sunday market.
Pls: we had 3 big luggage , 2 boxes and 4 hand carry bags excluding our own bags.
the yummy popcorn ! It's the nicest I've ever tasted
bye bye ㅠㅠ after going to the Sunday market we went back home to take our luggages and headed for lunch.
Dim-Sum for lunch ^^
went to play the arcade after that since we still had quite a lot of time before check-in time
婆婆 seating on the massage chair
Some music game I played with Clare ! It was fun !
So thankful to God that durin the period I was in Perth it didn't rain (exclude one day that it rain during mid-night) yeah but it rain a little while when we were all on the way to the airport ... But still , im thankful to God for the AWESOME weather :,)
The fun-loving maknae(JiYing) of the family who always fine me to play with him and always givin me things instead of giving it to his noona or hyung :P
My 2 other dongsaeng / noona and hyung of jiYing :) Clare and HaoYing
So I guess now I wanna thank everyone who spent time with us even though you're tired or have a packed schedule and canceled it because of us :,) play with us till mid-night (totally had an awesome time playing those card games)
Especially 公公 who always cook delicious food for dinner :) and buying breakfast at some days :,) I dunno what much to say but A BIG THANKYOU #^^# 땡큐 사랑해요~~~!!!
And yup we landed back in the little red dot safety :) I love my hat XD
This post was suppose to be uploaded yesterday night but was to tired ><