Hey guys how's your holiday? Hope it's awesome :P
Just wanna update about my holiday now :) apparently I'm now at taiwan ! Taizhong to be exact :P so far I quite enjoy myself even though it's damn tiring all thanks to the budget plane who delayed our midnight flight for at least 2hrs and the plane was so hot that I couldn't really sleep ... (the flight was 1255AM but it took off at almost 3AM)
Oh well hope tomorrow is a better day since its free and easy trip with my family together with my 1st aunt and her daughter family and my cousin :)
Last last ! This is so damn freaking awesome to me ! As everyone know Kyuhyun's appa opened a Korean tutor centre right~~~ and while I was in the van I saw the poster ~~~! KYUHYUN OPPA LOOK SO DAMN HANDSOME (obviously)
Actually I was very sleepy in the van but when I saw the poster I wasn't sleepy anymore and I quickly took my camera and took picture :) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Since today is only the first day I'm gonna keep this blog updated for the next 9days of my Taiwan trip at night ^^ stay tune tomorrow for D-2 !
Pls: Keep me in your prayer please pray that the weather would be good instead of keep raining :) thank kyu~~~
Here's a picture of my family (including my dad 1sis aka my 1st aunt , 1st aunt daughter family and my cousin ) and the poster of Kyuhyun's dad tutor centre:)