After coming back to Singapore from Batam , I received this what's app message that make me really touched ㅠㅠ It was no other than from Cheryl 동생~ she's the only one that send me this kind I message :,) I didn't know I was this kind of girl #•v•#
Here's the message she sent
(it's very long)
"Yo chubby bunny! 😋 I know this is very sudden but during these two weeks, I really learn a lot about friendship. I just want to tell you thank you so much for everything that you have done for me. Really, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for accompanying me during recess when I was alone, thank you for not finding me annoying when I always WhatsApp you about my problems almost every night, thank you for not badmouthing and backstabbing me like how many of my friends did, thank you for letting me to trust you with no worries, thank you for allowing me to be myself in front of you, thank you for not letting me to fear or doubt that you will secretly judge me someday, thank you for lending me your white shoes when I am such a bitch who don't buy a new one when I know I need it, thank you for being so generous to give me free Polaroids instead of being like my other friends who are so stingy about it, thank you for always welcoming me to your house, thank you for printing your worksheets and sharing the hints for the papers, thank you for always not being selfish, thank you for being so patient when you listen what I have got to say, thank you for enduring my sudden fan girl disease (OMG I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOSEOB IS GONNA RELEASE A SOLO MINI ALBUM, AM I DREAMING!? 😆), thank you for lending me money that day at Subway when I was so stupid, not knowing that it's not the time for student's meal yet, thank you for encouraging me for the EOY exams, especially for Geography. Really, if it wasn't for you, I would have gave up for Geography, it was because you told me that it's important to memorize the steps for land reclamation (is it call land reclamation? sorry, I will forget what I learnt right after the papers 😋) then I started memorizing it for more than one week ago before the paper, thank you for studying with me at your place and Starboard, thank you for staying up late at night teaching me Literature through WhatsApp, thank you for always being so understanding and most of all, thank you for being my chubby bunny that stays by my side no matter the good or bad happens. Sometimes, I really feel like you are not my friend but a sister. No, you can almost be my mum already because no matter what, she is still there for me at the end of the day. Thank you also for proving me that true friends does exist in this world when I thought that that was all crap. Please never leave my life and I hope that you will always remember, you are super freaking very important to me! Please remember that whenever you need someone, you are not alone. I will always try my best to be there for you when you need me. Last but not least, you know I love you! 😗😚😝😊☺ xoxo"
Just a picture of us :P