Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taiwan day 6

Hey yo what's up ^^

How did your day went ?
My was quite awesome :P

Woke up at around 730AM took a picture of morning view of my fourth hostel/hotel , the view was quite cool ~ you could see the clouds that were far away and the weather was good !
(picture to be shown after the post too)

After breakfast we moved on to our schedule which was to go to 九份 but before going there we went to a break stop and rested since its a 3 hrs ride but we didn't go there early we went to 内弯老街,tomato farm and 基隆夜市 first .

Anyway I had fun at the break stop because I played the arcade basketball ~~ it's been like years since I last played it :P only managed to get 84 goals in the time limit but the most amazing thing is that the high score is 430 around there ! How did that person play ? It's so higgggh~~~!

First stop before 九份 is 内弯老街~~~ had fun shopping there bought lots of poker cards ... Special and cute <3 don't be mistaken I don't gamble (maybe only during CYN im a good girl yea ^^!) XD I have a collection of poker cards ^^ after shopping we went to some bridge it was NICEEE ~~~
(all pictures will be shown after the posts ^^)

Second stop before 九份 is some tomato farm ~~! YES DAEBAK ~~ I LOVEEEEE TOMATOES ~~~ WOHOO~ <3
Ok sorry for my sudden craziness ><
Didn't know tomato juice would be so nice~~~ loving it

Third stop was 基隆夜市
Just had dinner there than off we went to our final destination which was 九份~~ WOOO~~ it's windy ~ staying at our 5th hostel/hotel ^^ we wanted to go to 九份 to take a look at the shops but the shops had already closed as it was nearly 8PM so we decided to go to the near by hi-life which was a little like 7-11 and bough cup noodles for supper :P and had it at around 9PM it was totally AWESOMEE ~~~ eating hot cup noodles in the cold ~~
So that's about all for day 5 ^^

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