Saturday, November 17, 2012

Open house

Today my school had open house but not a lot of people came ㅠㅠ quite disappointed though .... But at least it's better than last year :P last year there wasn't anyone who came for the school open house :/ at least this year there's like 10? ( not sure ) maybe because it's holiday everyone is going overseas :)

But nevertheless I still had fun (sort of) especially after the open house ^_^ went to had late lunch with Cheryl 동생 the food was not bad XD

Next time we need to hang out more XD oh yea and had fun playing "3,6,9" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ must beat our high score ah~ can't say it here.... Too little already very embarrassing #^^#

Before I forget just to spill something :P sorry Cheryl XD
she can't wink XD if she wink her both eyes will become damn small hehehe very funny